Runesmith Careers
So, you be comin here to learn the secrets o' runecraft, eh? Well, I dont teach it to just anyone. No, you gotta be a dwarf. And that aint all, laddie. You gotta convince me youre worthy. No I aint kiddin'. Get to convincing, kid.
Dwarfs have a completely different view of magic than other races. Some would call it more practical, others fearful (but not to their faces, of course). No one can be sure if there has ever been a Dwarven spellcaster, but all agree that none exist now and have not for hundreds of years at least.
Instead of toying with the winds of magic directly, Dwarfs trap magical power in specially crafted runes which then allow items to work with magical properties. Its a hell of a lot safer than manipulating the winds, and while not quite as flexible, it sure does its job well enough.
The first step on the path of the runesmith is that of the apprentice. As with wizards, apprenticeship often lasts many years. But differently from wizards is the necessity of achieving real world experience before passing into a true runesmith career. As such, after a fledgling runesmith meets the basic requirements of journeymen, they are often sent into the world to learn, grow and adventure, as well as prove themselves to their master. Once this has concluded, they are allowed to move on to their journeyman level.
Inscription limit: 10 or (Academic Knowledge: Runes)+ (Runecraft x2) + (Trade: Smith), whichever is lower.
Core skills: Academic Knowledge: Runes, Language: Arcane Khazalid, Inscription, Runecraft
Available Edges:
Threshold: 9 and knowledge of at least 2 runes
Exit: Journeyman Runesmith
Here is where the real work begins. The majority of a Runesmiths career is spent as a journeyman. It is here that the medium and difficult runes are learned for the first time, and it is also here that the character begins to see where their skills will eventually take them.
Inscription limit: 20.
Core skills: Academic Knowledge: Runes, Language: Arcane Khazalid, Trade: Weaponsmith, Trade: Armorer
Available Edges:
Threshold: 15 and ownership of at least two runic items.
Exit: Master Runesmith
Once a runesmith has earned master status they are truly revered in Dwarven society. Few occupations are as well respected, and that respect is well deserved. It often takes scores of years to achieve such a level of craft and precision.
Inscription limit: None
Core skills: Academic Knowledge: History, Academic Knowledge: Dark Lore or Magick, Inscription, Runecraft
Available Edges: Master Rune
Threshold: 20 and knowledge of at least 10 runes and 2 master runes
Exit: Runelord
To become a Runelord an opening must first present itself. There are only ever 10 Runelords at any time, and when these coveted positions become available, the competition is fierce.
Rune Lists
Master Runes
Creating Runes
The Five Laws of Runes
Runesmiths follow a litany of rules laid down by their guild. Some of these exist for practical reasons, while others are simply tradition.
Rule of Form
Runes must be inscribed on items of the appropriate type. Armor runes on armor, weapon runes on weapons and talismanic runes on jewelry and the like. Furthermore, the items themselves must be crafted in a sufficiently durable medium such as strong hardwood or metal. And finally, items must be of a high standard of craftsmanship.
Rule of Three
No runic item may have more than three runes inscribed on it at any one time. The same rune may not be inscribed more than once on an item.
Rule of Mastery
Master runes are so powerful that an item imbued with one may not have any other runes on it.
Rule of Pride
A runesmith will never create the exact same runic item twice.
Rule of Time
When working on runes the runesmith must spend at least 4 hours per day on runecraft.