The Warhammer World
This is the setting for The Tiger Eye Cameo of Ibn-al Azrad, and I think its pretty much the same (with some historical differences) as Matt's fantasy game.
Here is a link to my photobucket account, which is loaded with hand drawn maps of the world [1].
This game will begin in the Empire city of Nuln, which is an engineering center of the Old World.
Regions of the Old World
The Empire-Tiger Eye
Border Princes
Chaos Wastes
As in most standard fantasy settings there are pantheons of both human and non-human gods. While humans may believe in the existence of all or most of the gods, generally a person is a worshipper or follower of but a single one. Most, if not all, also pay homage to the patron diety of the empire.
Human Gods
Sigmar Heldenhammer Hero and patron diety of the empire.
Manann God of the sea.
Morr God of death and dreams.
Myrmidia Goddess of War.
Ranald God of tricksters.
Shallya God of healing, mercy and childbirth.
Taal and Rhya Lord of nature, mother of the earth.
Ulric God of battle, wolves and winter.
Verena God of learning and justice.
Elven Gods
Asuryan Father of the gods.
Khaine God of war and murder.
Isha Goddess of the fertility.
Kurnous the Hunter God of nature.
Hoeth God of knowledge, learning and wisdom.
Vaul Smith of the gods.
Lileath the Maiden Goddess of dreams and fortune.
Morai-heg the Crone Goddess of fate.
Mathlann God of storms.
Dwarven Gods
Grungni God of mines and artisans.
Grimnir the Fearless Warrior god of dwarfs.
Valaya Dwarf goddess.
Chaos Gods
Khorne The blood god.
Tzeentch Lord of change.
Nurgle Lord of pestilence.
Slaanesh God of pleasure and excess.