Unearthed Omega
[hide]Captain's Log, Stardate 40XXX.3
The USS Niven has been assigned orders to rendezvous with a science vessel, the Oppenheimer, at Starbase 103. The mission specialist, Commander Bartok, beamed aboard along with a Vulcan psycho-historian, T'Suus, and an Andorian exoarchaeologist, Dr. Tolus, to give my crew a briefing.
Return to Minos
(First officer), (security chief), Lt. Commander Hazor Dyan, Lieutenant Silon, Lieutenant Thalen, Dr. O'Grady, and I, along with the mission specialists were gathered in the ready room. Commander Bartok lead the meeting and announced that our mission was to travel to Minos. The Federation had reports of only two ships visiting the planet, but only one, the Enterprise-D, had returned safely. According to the Enterprise's logs, the entire population of the planet had perished. The Niven was to be the next attempt to find out why.
Bartok dismissed the meeting, but asked my senior officers to remain behind. After everyone else had left, he stated that there was a classified portion of the mission. It was believed that an omega device was hidden somewhere on the planet and was capable of spreading destruction throughout the galaxy. We must find it and disable it if found. T'Suus had researched declassified information about Minos and found a secret underground headquarters that may be the central nervous system for the Minosian weapons system. We were to beam directly there to begin our search. The away team consisted of the three mission specialists, a historian named Iskandari, and from the Niven, (engineering chief), Silon, Lieutenant Therval, Sergeant Major Pierson, and me.
The Bunker
When we arrived within orbit of Minos, Chief Lysander said that due to interference, it will be difficult to beam down and communication was probably going to be spotty. Because of this, we established a scheduled return after 72 hours. We beamed into a large trapezoidal room and the lights were on, but dim. There were several cylindrical vats along one wall that were food and water storage tanks. The water was potable, but the food had long since spoiled. The team split apart to explore the area. I accompanied (engineering chief) while he went to go look for the power source. After investigating a few rooms, we came upon a room containing generators. (engineering chief) felt he could bring them back online to restore power to the bunker, but it would take an hour or so. I left him to his work and continued exploring.
(engineering chief)'s fine work brought power back after about an hour. The computer systems came online along with holographic images of who we could only assume as Minosians. In the situation room there were maps of the entire planet and its surrounding atmosphere including a little blip signifying the Niven. After a light meal, we retired to our borrowed quarters to sleep. I set up a watch schedule just in case.
Day 2
I am sad to report that one of the mission specialists, T'Suus, was killed. She was found dead in the executive quarters, determined to be shot by a phaser blast. Her pad indicated that her latest entry was just 30 minutes before her body was found. Bartok regretted the loss, but respectfully asked the Niven's crew to carry out the investigation for a saboteur because he had very limited time for his research and to try to find the omega device.
We arrived in the galley for lunch that day and found the rest of the team accounted for. Dr. Tolus, however, made a snide comment under his breath about leaving it to a Vulcan to be late for lunch. Silon then told of T'Suus' death and asked for Tolus' phaser to check if it had been discharged. It was full and thus was assumed that it was not fired. He did, however, request that everyone stop by the medical office to leave a skin sample to rule out anyone as being the murderer. After the meal, I set out with Bartok to go down to the computer room where Therval had mentioned he found a secret hatch in the floor. When crossing paths, Therval handed me a briefcase saying "here are your tools, sir." Inside was a key card and a slip of paper stating: 4719 23x2 11
Inside the Hatch
When we got to the computer room, Bartok offered to stand guard while I tried to get inside the hatch. The hatch door opened with the key card and revealed a ladder leading down to another hatch door. I climbed down and saw 0, 1, and 2 with a button under each number. Just as I was about to push one of the buttons, I heard a noise behind me. I whipped around and saw Tolus with a phaser pointed at m— TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED.
Captain's Log, Supplemental
Due to being stunned, I was a little hazy on the details, but it was discovered that Dr. Tolus was the saboteur, and worse yet, he was not actually an Andorian, but rather a Romulan spy who had undergone surgery to fool everyone. I also had to call down Master Chief Harlock to assist us in the number puzzle of the hatch doors. The first door was 4719 in the ternary numeral system. It opened and lead down to another hatch with the same set of buttons. This time it was 23 twice in the same system. That lead us to the third door which opened with just two presses of the button labeled 1. Inside was indeed, an omega device. We chose to destroy it, which rendered the entire weapons system of the planet inoperable and left the device dormant. Though we suffered a loss of a team member, the mission was completed as a success.