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If you don't trust me to make decisions even involving my own person, then I have a hard time seeing how you trust me to make decisions about navigation.
If you don't trust me to make decisions even involving my own person, then I have a hard time seeing how you trust me to make decisions about navigation.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 15:14, 23 May 2007 (MST) That is an interesting way of seeing it as a surrender fee.  However I think we should only take the money IF we take anything.  As I do not care to kill the head members of the Chino gang.  Like I said, we lost our robot because of our actions, if we get enough money back to buy a new one that is fine, no need for further bloodshed.  That being said however this man did try to kill all of you.  I don't like taking the money because it puts each of you who went in, not counting Stonewall, at 40,000 a head.  I feel it cheapens you as a crew to take such a small amount.  Besides, what if one of us had been killed?  Then what?  Would the money still be okay?  Would you put a price tag on your fellow crewmates?  I would hope not... as that means you would sell us out for that price...  This money is not just 120,000 credits.  It is saying here is how much I think you and your men are worth... and to me that is an insult even to offer, and an insulting amount.  Again, we will decide after we have talked to the mayor of Stonewall's village... and find out why Stonewall is in this man's way.  If we just take the money we are just reacting to outside forces, something we've been doing for the last few weeks.  I say this crew, let us stop going with whatever presents itself first, and find out just what is going on here.
Yules, I never said you were the only one in danger.  You may be important to this crew, but please do not assume that I was most worried about you getting killed, and don't insult the other crew by assuming that you were the sole person I was worried about.  Your job is to navigate, so of course I trust you.  But I've allowed you to run off before, leaving your crewmates behind, and here I let you do your plan once again.  Again, if you think your only worth 40,000, and the rest of the crew, then clearly we don't think very highly of ourselves. 
You are right though, we do have all those things to deal with.  So before we go accepting freehand outs from everyone who uses us as bait... let us first find out more.  I'm sure Mr. old man whatever his face is can wait a few more hours to a day.  Personally I don't like being paid because my crew was used for bait.  This is a ship, and we are its crew.  Not a can of worms.  (Heck yeah I'm busting out my oratory skill bitchs, which I get +4 too!)

Revision as of 17:14, 23 May 2007

In Character Links

--Dieter the Bold 00:46, 19 May 2007 (MST) Hey guys, due to all the issues that the stolen 'bot has caused us, I've created a list of Security Procedures I think it would behoove us to adhere to. Please look them over and feel free to comment.

--Dieter the Bold 18:13, 20 May 2007 (MST) Gentlemen, I've looked over Grandfather's message and think we should take option 1 or 3 and consider ourselves lucky. I'd definitely like the money, and with that amount I'm sure I could build us a better robot than the one we had for half the price. As for option 3, I don't really know who this Stonewall character is, but we came up with a plan that got him fucked the shit up. As I understand it he's got something going on against these Chino bitches, so I figure the least we could do is straighten out that problem for him as an apology for getting him killed, or close to it.

Sola: I think he's suggesting he'll give up all three.

--Matts 10:45, 21 May 2007 (MST)Why don't we take it? It's as much of an admission of defeat as we'll wring from the guy, and further conflict will just raise our profile even more.

--Dieter the Bold 14:13, 21 May 2007 (MST) If he's really offering all three, I don't see how we have a choice. We don't have the resources or contacts to prosecute an underground war here against factions we don't even know about. Plus 120,000 is a lot of money. If no one is opposed, I say we have Ules send an agreement notice immediately so we can get the hell off this rock immediately.

--Edmiao 19:07, 21 May 2007 (MST) There remains an object below the floor of the building that we were excavating. I think we would be remiss if we failed to unearth it. it is made of composite materials, and thus may be a precursor artifact. I date the stucture as pre-fall in origin, and may in fact be much older than pre-fall. Further, we need to stick around for a while until Stonewall has healed enough to resume his role protecting his people. It was our fault that he became so greivously injured, and it would be dishonorable to leave before he was back on his feet.

--Dieter the Bold 13:20, 22 May 2007 (MST) While I'm not against this Stonewall fellow, I don't see how we can just sit around for a whole month. He's Lycurgan, he knew the risks. Plus, if all the Chinos are taken out by this Grandfather, then the village should be safe enough. As for further excavations Aedil, this little trip has already cost us over 80,000cr. I seriously doubt anything you'll find in there will make that up. With an offer of 120,000cr on the table I think we should just take that and consider ourselves lucky.

--Edmiao 14:39, 22 May 2007 (MST) You can accept the cowed offer from this traitor, there's nothing i can say to disuade you from it. That has no impact on whether we finish the excavation. in fact, if you accept the offer, we are likely to be quite safe staying on Andromache 3 for a few more days to complete my work. As for Stonewall, it is obvious that the Chino gang was actually only a minor threat to him. It is Grandfather Smitty that was his true adversary, and we must consider the danger we have put Stonewall and the people of that town in due to our actions. Ask yourself, why did Smitty want Stonewall removed so desperately that he was willing to sacrifice his allies, the Chino? And what will Smitty do now that Stonewall is incopacitated. For now, perhaps it is best kept secret that Stonewall survived the blast, until he rises again. Further, it is dishonorable to turn our back on one who rose to our aid and followed our lead. We must carefully consider this. You must search your soul, do you find honor there? If so, it will guide you to the right choice.

--Matts 15:19, 22 May 2007 (MST)Now that Aedil mentions it, there's no reason we shouldn't stick around for a while. In fact, if Smitty is up to any more mischief in the town that Stonewall took under his wing (why did he become sheriff of that tiny town? Why did the Chinos want stuff from it?) then we could keep tabs on it to see if Smitty tries anything. Then, when he does, we put a stop to it and make it entirely clear to Smitty that treachery is repaid in kind.

I only come up with this because I'd be bored to tears if all I do is watch Aedil look at spoons, and it'd be foolish to leave Andromache with nothing but a story to show for it, so we should give him the chance to unearth whatever that thing is.

--Dieter the Bold 16:03, 22 May 2007 (MST) Honor only matters to heroes and the dead, and it doesn't pay well or fill you up when you're hungry. I've no interest in being poor, hungry, a hero or dead. With G. Smitty's offer of 120,000cr I think we come away with quite a bit. Unless Asmodeus says Stonewall can't survive outside our lifesupport, I say we drop him off at the village and be on our merry. I signed up with this ship because it offered an escape from my troubles and a chance for a free life. Staying around here offers nothing but a chance at more trouble and to throw away good money after bad. I'm happy to support Aedil's interest in archeology, but if I could be making thousands of credits making fish runs for Phillippe, or watching us lose near 100,000 credits out at the ass-end of the Twins, excuse me for being interested in easy money.

--Edmiao 19:27, 22 May 2007 (MST) Asmodius says that it will be at least a week until Stonewall can leave the sick bay, and he says that it is best that he stays there for his entire recovery. Ask him yourself if you think I would stoop so low as to tell falsehoods. Orentes, your dishonor knows no bounds. Your lack of honor is matched only by your greed. You shall surely burn in the fires of Hel!!! (storms out)

--Gdaze 22:56, 22 May 2007 (MST) My word... You all sound like a pack of screaming women who have all worn the same dress to a prom. We are not going to take money from a man who has no trouble blowing up his own men without first knowing more about him. Don't take candy from strangers, and in this case the stranger just ripped apart his pets dogs infront of us. Doing so would be downright foolish. That being said it is clear that there is something up with Stonewall's little town. He won't be talking, so I think we should go ask the major our selves. We need to find out what their intentions are too before we pledge to protect his town. I know he fought with us, and we saved him so I'm sure he will be in our debt. Also we still have our captive, I would very much like to have a long conversation with him. Finally, I would like to get Sola on tracking down computer ports on this planet, and perhaps finding out where Grandfarther Smitty is posting from. He does not know what our sensors are cable of. Once we find him I am strongly considering rail gunning him. So for now we will explore our safer options instead of all this nonsense you are all yelling about. Now get to your stations!

--Matts 00:00, 23 May 2007 (MST)No disrespect, Captain, but if he's offering us money he's offering us money and we take it, that simple. If we want to figure out why he wanted to bone us, fine by me, we'll have time to kill while stonewall gets his gumption back.

But if you're seriously suggesting we don't take this guy's peace offer, that's straight-up nuts!

--Gdaze 02:34, 23 May 2007 (MST) I'm not saying we aren't going to take it. I just want to know more about him. It is not like we have to decide this in the next few seconds. Besides, we brought Stonewall there, and we got him blown'd up. In essance taking money makes us little more then assassins. For now we shall wait till our friend who actually pushed the button wakes up. Also maybe Sola can hack into his computer and just steal the money... although he seems fairly powerful. I would like to remind you all too that I was against going into the building from the start.

I will not tolerate continue endangermeant of the crew due to rash behavior. Safe transfer of money? Like how smoothly that "talking" operation of yours was suppose to go Yules? Which almost resulted in everyone dying? And for what? A mining robot that was stolen due to our own incompatence? We will find out just what is going on with Stonewall's town, and our prisnor. Taking money would make us look like little more then thugs and I don't think that is the image we want our fine ship to have, is it?

--Aedil 02:34, 23 May 2007 (MST) I must side with the captain on this one. taking the money smacks of dishonor (Edmiao cries). However, I will not forbid it as it can be seen as tribute paid in surrender from a cowed foe (Edmiao cheers). If the crew does decide to accept this tribute, we should consider the money as given to right the wrong that was done to us. thus, we should use it to purchase a new mining robot. Foresti has delivered a mining robot in mint condition to this planet for just this eventuality. Also, if the money is taken, any leftover profit should be divided between both the crew and Stonewall.

--Matts 14:56, 23 May 2007 (MST)It's all well and good to protect your crew, captain, but the way the world works is that you take risks to get ahead. I'm not going to sit around in a protective cage cause you're scared of me dying. This opponent is surrendering to us, no matter his honeyed words. We take the money. Then, if he tries anything, we stop him again, and we prove to him that he shouldn't exceed his place.

If you think any kind of negotiation is a silly idea and that we should wait in our ship whenever danger rears its head, fine. I'll be out making sure that when we're cornered by a bigger, better foe, we'll have options other than rolling over.

Everyone *almost* died, but that's a far cry from everyone dying. We're down a few med supplies, we've got a comatose Stonewall on our ship, but other than that, the Chinos are dead, we've learnt something new about this planet, which is important to Aedil and should be therefore a little interesting to the rest of us, and we've cowed an adversary into offering us a large sum of cash. To walk away from this is tantamount to collapsing in the face of our own fears.

If you don't trust me to make decisions even involving my own person, then I have a hard time seeing how you trust me to make decisions about navigation.

--Gdaze 15:14, 23 May 2007 (MST) That is an interesting way of seeing it as a surrender fee. However I think we should only take the money IF we take anything. As I do not care to kill the head members of the Chino gang. Like I said, we lost our robot because of our actions, if we get enough money back to buy a new one that is fine, no need for further bloodshed. That being said however this man did try to kill all of you. I don't like taking the money because it puts each of you who went in, not counting Stonewall, at 40,000 a head. I feel it cheapens you as a crew to take such a small amount. Besides, what if one of us had been killed? Then what? Would the money still be okay? Would you put a price tag on your fellow crewmates? I would hope not... as that means you would sell us out for that price... This money is not just 120,000 credits. It is saying here is how much I think you and your men are worth... and to me that is an insult even to offer, and an insulting amount. Again, we will decide after we have talked to the mayor of Stonewall's village... and find out why Stonewall is in this man's way. If we just take the money we are just reacting to outside forces, something we've been doing for the last few weeks. I say this crew, let us stop going with whatever presents itself first, and find out just what is going on here.

Yules, I never said you were the only one in danger. You may be important to this crew, but please do not assume that I was most worried about you getting killed, and don't insult the other crew by assuming that you were the sole person I was worried about. Your job is to navigate, so of course I trust you. But I've allowed you to run off before, leaving your crewmates behind, and here I let you do your plan once again. Again, if you think your only worth 40,000, and the rest of the crew, then clearly we don't think very highly of ourselves.

You are right though, we do have all those things to deal with. So before we go accepting freehand outs from everyone who uses us as bait... let us first find out more. I'm sure Mr. old man whatever his face is can wait a few more hours to a day. Personally I don't like being paid because my crew was used for bait. This is a ship, and we are its crew. Not a can of worms. (Heck yeah I'm busting out my oratory skill bitchs, which I get +4 too!)