EI1: Awakening

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Evergreen Initiative


The characters woke up staggered by hibernation sickness to discover the upper level of their bolthole in ruins and half of their team dead. Still lying in shattered cryotanks, team leader Steve Wilson, medic Dave Monroe and mechanic/weapons specialist Amir Rosenblatt were reduced to mere bones. Somehow during the sleep period the emergency exit hatch became compromised, and evidence suggested a group of individuals gained entrance. Equipment was missing, but everyone managed to get weapons and food.

The first order of business was securing the base and determining what was usable and which supplies were usable. Pi investigated the V-150, and found that it was at least mostly workable, though partially covered in a cave-in. Marcus retrieved the food stores and Charlotte helped dig the V-150 out.

While the final digging was being completed Marcus determined that the trees planted above the bolthole had been alive 140-175 years. He also scouted the surrounding area via binoculars and found evidence of farm houses in the distance.

Once the vehicle was restarted and dug out, it was a short trip to the nearest farm. The farmstead showed evidence of vandalism, or at the very least severe neglect. The team approached cautiously. Charlotte was able to make contact with a man who spoke from inside the house antagonistically. Eventually he came to trust her, partially because no females are ever in the attacking parties. The family had just suffered an attack by Imps and were seen to physically by Marcus Meyerbos, while Charlotte St. Claire worked to help them emotionally and Pi Heinzen saw to salvaging some dinner.

Conversations with the Burkhardts