The Lore of Metal

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What follows is the list of the spells for Lore of Metal in The Tiger Eye Cameo of Ibn-al Azrad and The Warhammer World using the Deadlands hybrid system I am currently developing.

Difficulty Time Components Description
Armor of Lead Pair Action+ A miniature lead helmet (+2) A number of enemies covered by the large tent have their armor converted to lead. Their Nimbleness is reduced by 1 die type and their Fighting and Shooting levels are reduced by 1. Duration one minute. Power Level 2.
Breach the Unknown Pair 1 Minute A dram of ruby sulphur extract (+3) Find all mundane properties of a single object, no matter how secret. On a 2 Pair result the caster may begin to determine magical properties as well, increasing as the success level increases. Power Level 3.
Curse of Rust Ace Action A rusty nail (+1) One object of 75 pounds or less is rusted beyond repair. Range 12 yards. Power Level 1.
Enchant Item Pair 1 Minute A griffons feather (+3) You may temporarily enchant an item to give it +2 to a single appropriate characteristic check. Power Level 3.
Fault of Form Ace Action A small metal file (+1) You may subtly alter the quality of a weapon within 24 yards. Any bonuses it is owed are rendered null and any penalties are doubled in effectiveness. Users go bust on rolls of 1 or 2. Power Level 1.
Fool's Gold Pair Action+ A petrified flower (+2) Increase the perception of value of a single object temporarily by a factor of 10. Actual value is unchanged, duration is 1 hour per level of Casting + 1 per extra success level. Power Level 2.
Guard of Steel Ace Action A steel ball (+1) You summon steel balls that rotate around you and deflect ranged attacks. Difficulty to hit you is raised by 2 for 6 rounds. Power Level 1.
Inscription Ace Action+ A chisel (+1) You may inscribe a metallic item with a message permanently. Power Level 1.
Law of Age Pair Action+ A fossilized bone (+2) Make an item extremely brittle. Add 1d10 to any Strength roll to break the object. Power Level 2.
Law of Form Ace Action+ An iron rod (+1) Imbue a single inanimate object with the strength of steel. Power Level 1.
Law of Gold Two Pair Action+ A gold sheath worth at least 75gc (+3) A single magic item within 24 yards is rendered inert. Duration 10 rounds. Power Level 4.
Law of Logic Ace d10 Actions+ A blank piece of paper (+1) Target gains +2 per success level on a single mental attribute test. Power Level 1.
Rigidity of Body and Mind Pair Action+ A small steel disc (+2) You get the equivalent of 1 level of armor in all locations and +1 die type to Spirit. Power Level 2.
Secret Rune Pair Action+ A vial of ink infused with gold (+3) Allows caster to either inscribe an invisible rune on an item or read an invisible rune which has been inscribed. Power Level 3.
Silver Arrows of Arha Pair Action A silver arrowhead (+2) Create a number of silver, magic missiles equal to Casting + (number of extra success levels) with a range of 48 and damage 3d8. Power Level 2.
Stoke the forge Ace Action A breath of hot air (+1) Cause a fire to burn as hotly as earthly possible for d10x10 minutes without consuming any additional fuel. Power Level 4.
Tale of Metal Pair 2 Action+ A lens (+1) Peer into the past of a single metal object. Power Level 1.
Transformation of Metal Pair 1 Minute A charm in the shape of a hammer and anvil (+2) A single metal item is transformed into a single other metal item of the same approximate size and shape. Power Level 2.
Transmutation of the Unstable Mind Pair 10 Minutes A page from a book written by a madman (+3) You may attempt to remove insanity from the mind of another being. Power Level 3.
Trial and Error Pair Action+ An empty glass vial (+2) Until your next action all other players are allowed one free white chip. This chip may not be saved or used for bounty. Power Level 2.

*Target is allowed an opposed Spirit test to resist.
+No movement is allowed while performing this action.