Ship's Log

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--Edmiao 21:22, 16 April 2007 (MST) Aedil thinks he has some leads on K tech. Andromache 3, where he found Mjolnir (his hammer). Previous expeditions likey did not have sensors like our ship does, so we might find some uber lootz there.

--Matts 09:36, 19 April 2007 (MST)I think we should talk to this guy we did the delivery run for, on whatever planet he went back to. That is, after we sort out the rescue op.

Andromache sounds like trouble.

--Gdaze 10:59, 19 April 2007 (MST) Yeah, lets sort out the recuse operation first, then go and at least talk to this guy we did the run for. Although I would like to steer away from too much smuggling, even more so if it is drugs or whatever. Smuggling artifacts is fine though~! That being said, what should we do with the pirates? Is Ben going to be checking this at all? If so, would any of us know who pays for the capture of them? I really wouldn't mind turning them over to the corp whose ship we saved.

--Edmiao 11:44, 19 April 2007 (MST) "Yes friends, finish the rescue job, and get paid. You can deal with the pirates as you want, blow them into the Ginnungagap or turn them over to bounty hunters, they are rats under our feet. All I know is the Gods call me back to Andromache, and only a fool does not heed the words of the Gods. Ules, you should see that our path leads inevitably there, as you are of the Norns. You become confused, the delivery run to Diomedes is run and lies behind us on the tread. Andromache looms before us, a dead moon with secrets to be revealed."

--Gdaze 12:05, 19 April 2007 (MST)"Aedil, I agree that going back to the planet where you found your hammer might be a good idea. The fact that our ship has runes similar to your hammer and that it talked to you should not be ignored. However, this is the Twin Systems, and reputation is also important. Mr. Phillippe has paid us once for a job already and is fully aware of our jump ability. He seems like a reasonably powerful man as well. Now he will hear of how we disabled a pirate vessel and saved these people. *motions towards the freighter* I want to find out more about him and we should not turn down in invitation. With our ship we can also beat almost anyone, to anywhere. Ules might also have some points, that the planet might be trouble. Your people were very war like, I would expect some traps of one sort or another. So instead of rushing to this planet, let us first deal with Mr. Phillippe. I'm sure the meeting will not take long. I promise you though, we shall return to Andromache, I would just like to do some more research before we return. Will this work for you? Ules, Orentes, (insert rest of crew), does this sound like a course of action to pursue?"

Ben Here: I am checking this. Been putting together stuff for the next session (which will probably be at my place, btw.

--Edmiao 13:58, 19 April 2007 (MST) "Hmmm. It pains me to delay when the god have called. I was under the impression that this Mr. Phillippe hired us as a simple cargo service, though I did not meet the man. Does he have more to offer and did he seem willing? it is always good to make new allies, especially if they are strong."

--Matts 09:53, 20 April 2007 (MST)We'll just have to find that out, Aedil. The Captain is right. Mr. Phillipe certainly has a fair amount of opportunity for us, and who knows; we may be able to gain some information of Andromache from him, or at least find someone who knows more than those horse-blind scholars.

--Edmiao 22:37, 22 April 2007 (MST) "Ules, the gods speak through you, I look forward to meeting this Phillippe. You are indeed gifted with sight. Have the forsight to not besmirch the good name of Platocrates lest you find your hide slighted in kind."

--Dieter the Bold 19:13, 24 April 2007 (MST) I think we scrubbed those pirates hella' good. Any more work against the pirates is more trouble than their worth, so I vote to leave them to their fate and broadcast whatever sensor readings we have of them (edited so as not to reveal the true extent of our sensor's abilities) and leave it at that. For tomorrow, I say the crew should only take $1,000 each of the reward money, so we can completely refill the ammo bins for The Golden Fleece. My vote after that would be to see if we can't take up another job with Mr. Phillipe to get a greater cushion with the ship before taking a risk with more K-tech prospecting. While I have no doubts about Aedil and his gods, preparing yourself is always smarter than not.

Gracchus here: Wait, wait, did the cap. say we couldn't do merc work while him and aedil are digging around in the mud?! What the Fuck?!

Sola here: I googled it and it looks like archeo sites are prime piratical targets, at least if they find anything, so it might be good to have you around. Also, do y'all want me to install that Watchdog patch? We don't have watchdog right now, but I could mod the patch to work with our AI's security. I've checked into the Smallpox virus and it looks like really bad news. I'm not even sure the patch can catch it in the early phases: it was written by some people who really know their shit, so we should definitely do something to protect ourselves.

--Gdaze 08:26, 11 May 2007 (MST) Hmmm, yes Sola if you could get working on that, it would be very nice. Eh, Gracchus... if you really want to be paid a very little amount for "honor" work then I suppose you could. Just don't draw the entire ship into it. And don't die because without you we have nobody to man the guns! As for me, I intend to mangage our digging sites... I am worried about this computer virus though...