Armistice Part 1
[hide]Captain's Log, Stardate 42613.8
Transfer and a Happier Mission
Following the events on Dolak IV, we made arrangements for the transport of the prisoners. The able bodied ones, which consisted of Daniel Connor and his band of escapees, were being transferred to another penal colony away from Romulan Neutral Zone. I had sent in recommendations for a pardon for their part in saving the lives of my crew, but it was likely to be a while before any sort of resolution. Still, he seemed grateful even if it meant he had to be imprisoned elsewhere for the time being. The Federation decided to close the colony and were sending in a crew to disassemble it. The sick, of which there were plenty, were being transported to a different facility by the merchant marine ship, the SS Robyn Hode, where they could receive medical attention. Despite whatever crimes they may have committed, this was obviously an unjust punishment. I hope they find a little bit of solace and peace now.
After the transfer was complete and we returned to our patrols, we received an incoming message from Rear Admiral Sextus Slate. He mentioned that it was abominable what the Romulans will do to gain an advantage and had a new mission for us now. The Niven was to make her way back to Psellus III in order to witness a signing ceremony and assist our ambassador in hopefully welcoming Psellus III as a Federation protectorate.
He sent along an informational packet that contained a brief history and cultural data of Psellus III. Evidently they were under Romulan rule for nearly 100 years. They gained independence from the Empire about 65 years ago. There was a rebel faction who wanted to return to Romulan rule which was preventing entry into the Federation until now. Lieutenant Joran Maniersi also mentioned that in situations like these, all governments involved must sign off on the agreement, united as once voice. The planet was even under Federation quarantine due to their cultural issues. Considering our experiences with the aboriginal populous and their reluctance at getting involved, we were a little wary of this agreement being a smooth transaction.
Another interesting fact was that the Federation ambassador was listed as Cal West. After looking up his service record, I learned that he was related to Commander Devin West, as his cousin. I could not help but notice that during our briefing meeting, West looked a bit uncomfortable at the mention of the ambassador.
A Grand Fanfare
When we arrived in orbit of Psellus III, we established contact with Consul Taroo and she gave us coordinates to beam down to their palace in the capital city of Sayounus. During communication, she let me know that "consul" was a Romulan term and she went by Taigu now. We exchanged pleasantries and made plans to beam down to meet with her and Ambassador West.
I took Maniersi as my diplomatic advisor, along with Lieutenant Commander Hazor Dyan, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Thitaris Thalen, and Sergeant Clifford Upton. When we arrived, Taroo greeted us warmly with her assistant, and with a gesture, four servants filed in, bearing gifts. First, we were each presented with a bottle of dark liquid carried upon a pillow. Taroo explained that it was Glypnia, a traditional Pselliad drink. She offered us all a small taste from a servant carrying several glasses. The aroma that wafted up was potently spicy and very alcoholic. In taking just a tiny sip, it thundered into my chest like a very strong liqueur.
We were also given ornately decorated wooden boxes. Tucked inside were artisan carved wooden statues. Each of us received a unique one and though the figured looked nearly grotesque, I could tell that they were very skillfully made. Taroo invited us to follow her to a meeting room an in taking the first step, I felt the world shift around me as if I were heavily intoxicated. It dissipated by the time we arrived at the meeting room, but I am now very aware of the effects of Glypnia and hope that none of my crew overindulges.
The meeting room we were lead to looked to be one used for executives. There were modern art style paintings on the walls and an extensive feast was being set up for us. Ambassador West looked to be a charming young man. He spoke to the Pselliads in their own language and then turned to us to address us each in our own native language. It had been years since I heard anyone speak to me in Japanese! The ambassador mentioned that it was because of his skill in languages that helped in landing such an important assignment.
Swapping Stories
While we were milling about and enjoying the food, the Pselliads were very concerned about our enjoyment and comfort, of which we had plenty. Taroo told us stories about the leaders who our statues were based on. Ambassador West mentioned that their leaders were equivalent to our gods. Apparently I was given one who was a feminine leader who represented speed, much like the ancient Romans' Mercury.
She also explained that only the finest artisans who are able to reach trees high atop the mountains in order to secure the specific kind of wood are able to create these statues. I felt very honored with the gift after hearing this. In return, I told her the story of the edelweiss flower and its significance to German soldiers of 20th century Earth. The flower was known to only grow in the mountains, much like the trees for their wood, so German soldiers from the second world war would pin the flower to their uniforms. It was to signify the mark of a true soldier for it meant that he climbed up the mountain to retrieve it. It was interesting to know that our two cultures shared a similar theme.
When we had finished our extravagant meal, we were lead down to our extremely luxurious quarters. The bed was an old-fashioned four poster bed, there was a whirlpool tub, and rather than a sonic shower, a jet sauna. I was looking forward to turning in for the night with accommodations like these! Remembering the gift I was given by Smüg turning out to be a surveillance device, I thoroughly scanned the room, bottle, statue, and box, but nothing seemed amiss.
We had a meeting with Ambassador West scheduled, but I took him aside beforehand. Because he was in the diplomatic corps I told him about Captain Billiemae Tompkins and my concerns surrounding her passing. He said that he would do what he can to look into things. I hope that something turns up. I also mentioned that his cousin Devin was aboard my ship and he offered to have lunch with him the following day.
State of the Union
The ambassador told us that Psellus III had always been a strong contender for entry into the Federation for they had good human rights, laws, and culture, but did not have the government unity due to the strife caused by the revolutionary movement. There was a major defeat for rebels recently, and they had agreed to cease hostility. The rebels were planning a raid on a shipment of goods, but one of the owners was able to penetrate the resistance network to gain knowledge of the attack. The ambushers were then ambushed and there was a major shift in power. Ambassador West was also convinced that the Romulans were providing aid to the rebels, but stopped suddenly due to our involvement on the planet 6 months ago. So long as everything goes according to plan, the rebel leader was supposed to lay down their arms in a ceremonial gesture, thus signifying their unity and entry into a Federation protectorate status.
There were two days until the ceremony. I authorized shore leave in rotating shifts for the crew of the Niven. Maniersi drafted a notice for West to look over that detailed my expectations of the crew despite having a break from their duties. I also mentioned to West that late tomorrow morning, I would take his shift on the bridge so that he could have lunch with his cousin.
When I was aboard my beloved ship, I took care of some paperwork. I expunged any negative mention of West's actions when I was on the surface of Dolak IV, for despite me not liking it, I knew he was acting under the correct regulations. We may butt heads again, but I believe that is why I have someone like him around as my executive officer. I also put in a recommendation for Maniersi to receive commendation for his actions on Dolak IV.
Humanitarian Efforts
Hazor reported that he had made contact with a Pselliad who claimed their government had abandoned them. Their village was in a very poor state due to commerce coming to a near halt because of the quarantine, and the villagers were starving. The requested aid in the form of foodstuffs, livestock, and grains. After some discussion, we agreed to send them emergency rations to get them through the next several days, after which point, commerce should pick up due to the quarantine being lifted with the signing of the agreement. We also sent down a survey team to sample the soil to see if it could sustain crops and seeds to plant, should it be deemed possible.
On the day of the ceremony, I assembled a team to serve as witnesses. We stood by in dress uniform and watched the procession as the rebel leader and Taigu Taroo made amends. There was an exchange of gifts and just as they were about to lay down arms, I heard Maniersi's voice in my head warn us of an ambush. Right at that moment, pandemonium erupted for one of the figures that was given as a gift exploded as a stun grenade and people within the crowd had drawn Romulan disruptors. To make matters worse, it was at that very moment that I got an emergency message from the Niven: "We are under attack."