Enemy Territory?
[hide]Captain's Log, Stardate 40351.6
When we returned to the Niven from the surface of Psellus 3, a meeting was held in the ready room to fill in Lieutenant Commander Akoval. Arrangements were made to return the artifacts to the surface as soon as we scanned them for any more possible Iconian origins. Akoval assigned guards to Dr. Pasternak's quarters and to the Klingons we brought out of the ziggurat. He thought that the Klingons may have some things on their person so he did a scan of them in the brig. The one we brought back alive, however, was not registering any life signs. When we communicated with the guard on duty, he mentioned that the Klingon seemed to be sleeping and had no visitors. With a sinking feeling, I asked Dr. O'Grady to meet me in the holding cell.
I had Akoval accompany Dr. O'Grady into the holding cell, just in case, but O'Grady confirmed that the Klingon was dead. The cause of death looked like it was from Orion Blood Fever. I released him into medical custody so that a proper autopsy could be performed. He mentioned it would take about six hours so I asked that I be kept apprised of the situation.
On my way to the bridge to take back command, Commander West caught up to me in the turbolift stating that Pasternak had asked for a JAG representative. He was putting forth an official demand that he be returned to the surface of Psellus 3 or to the nearest starbase, post haste. I knew that the law required us to comply within 24 hours, plus travel time. Given what we saw on his personal logs, I had suspicions that Pasternak was somehow involved with Chang so returning him to the surface just to have him disappear or rendezvous with Chang was not acceptable. I knew that if it were properly stated that we had a lead on something that was likely putting the Federation in danger, we would gain extra time. I had Ensign Varok prepare a response stating the proper clauses.
Lieutenant Commander Hazor communicated in to state that Lieutenant Junior Grade Kurgotzov was able to pull information from the Klingon PADD found on the surface that states a likely destination: Valtor 2. According to Lieutenant Junior Grade Maniersi, Valtor 2 was a day's travel within Klingon space. It would take us about 30 hours at maximum speed. He also reported that Valtor 2 was known to have volcanic activity, a thin atmosphere, and unique geological and physical properties. The information on the PADD confirmed that Pasternak and Chang were working towards a mutual goal, but details of the arrangement were unknown.
Charlie Foxtrot
Commodore Harmonson sent a priority level 3 message. He stated that a lawyer with a reputation of power was contacting him with questions about our holding of Pasternak. I briefly explained our situation and he looked quite stern when telling me that he was not condoning any of our actions. I knew that this meant any repercussions would fall upon me, but I felt I was doing the right thing. I sent him a communique the following day. A copy of it follows:
Dear Commodore Harmonson:
We are currently following intelligence that leads us to believe Klingons supportive of the Duras family may be suffering from a terminal illness, and are likely to be receiving aid from Romulans. All available details of Romulan involvement is noted on logs for Stardate 40337.8.
Scans of Pselliad space revealed a Romulan space station, long since destroyed. The station is thought to have been communicating with a geosynchronous satellite (also deliberately destroyed) and underneath said satellite was a sensor cloud of 14,000 km2. Investigation of this area on the surface lead to an archeological base camp. Several artifacts, including pottery and figurines where cataloged within the tent. A PADD found on site belonged to one Doctor Emil Pasternak and contained his personal logs. Klingons, wearing similar clothing to those seen on Chang's ship, can plainly be seen working in the background.
Within one of the pots, we have found what we believe is a piece of Iconian technology that resembles an isolinear chip. Given that travel by shuttlecraft would longer, we brought all items to the Niven for analysis with the intent to beam back onto the surface for return. After thoroughly searching the artifacts for any other technological leads, we have returned all items aside from the chip to the Pselliads immediately after confirming they were simply pieces of artistic expression.
When we encountered Dr. Pasternak on the surface, he requested that we escort him out of the area. We complied. We had discovered a Klingon PADD within the building and after accessing the information, we have learned that Pasternak has been known to be in a partnership with K'vort Chang. Details of this partnership is unknown. We are currently in pursuit of this lead in order to protect Federation interests.
-Captain Layla Koyanagi
While composing this, I learned that though the artifacts were carefully stowed away in our cargo hold, the actual task of returning them to the surface had gone overlooked. I sent Lieutenant Junior Grade Thalen along with West to see to this. Unfortunately, I think it would have gone better had I gone myself. They came back with a report that the Pselliads were very upset that we took the items back to our ship rather than straight to them, though arguably, it would have taken longer by shuttlecraft. They stated that we should not have gone into their sacred area to begin with and we were threatened with diplomatic incidents and complaints to authority.
As if that were not enough, West also told me that Pasternak was filing a charge against wrongful holding. Apparently, there was a situation in 11 Aftward where the guard we assigned to Pasternak, Petty Officer 2nd Class McWilliams, was assumed to have been attacked for he was unconscious from the effects of what looked like alcohol. A vial was found placed underneath the table where Pasternak was sitting, however, no concrete evidence pinning him to the attack could be found. Akoval had confined him to quarters, but because we had no right to hold him without evidence, we had no choice but to let him go. Akoval personally offered an official apology, though, at the suggestion of Sergeant Major Pierson, we did place a bug on him to monitor his actions.
Travel to Valtor
During the next senior staff meeting, we discussed going to Valtor 2 to try to catch Chang in whatever he was doing. This was an opportune time for us to contact a ship aligned with the forces of Gowron, not only to alert them of possible illicit activity by our shared enemy, but to also gain proper entrance into Klingon space. Maniersi did a scan of the area and found the Imperial Klingon Cruiser Amar within five lightyears of Valtor. We hailed Captain Krahl on a secure line.
When we told him of the situation, he was a little hesitant and said that the planet was under quarantine. Still, when we explained how we got the information, we made plans to rendezvous near the planet and set off on the course Maniersi laid in for us. Along the way, we received the proper codes to broadcast so that we could safely enter Klingon territory.
While en route, Dr. O'Grady had the findings from the autopsy. He declared that the Klingon in custody did indeed die from Orion Blood Fever, but it was likely that it was from a concentrated tablet, thus deeming it suicide. The Klingon who was killed in action by Sergeant Brillet did not have the disease, but did have a tablet that fit the specifications of what O'Grady thinks killed the other Klingon. This is very strange behavior for Klingons given their strict warrior codes of honor.
When we arrived at Valtor 2, we learned that the planet was hard to scan due to the geological disturbances. The Drovna was here as expected and it was engaged in a battle with the Amar and another bird of prey. As soon as we dropped out of warp, Krahl hails us for assistance. We complied.
Battle stations, red alert!
Akoval and Maniersi worked together to maneuver the ship. Hazor and his crew were busy repairing whatever damage the ship took. Prime Team Alpha and the marines were working on personnel damage control. (…)
It was a long, grueling battle. During the fighting, we also witnessed several shuttles heading down toward the surface of Valtor 2. In the latter half of the 3-hour firefight, the Drovna shot their disruptors at us when we were vulnerable. I thought for sure that would be the end of us, but in a last minute brazen act of glory, Maniersi steered us out of the line of fire. Before the Drovna realized we had narrowly missed their shots, I seized the opportunity to beam over a boarding party of marines while their shields were down. Krahl hailed the Drovna demanding that they fight hand to hand like warriors. The bird of prey that was assisting the Drovna cloaked.
Pierson allocated most of the marines to beam over to the Drovna to assist the initial group and Krahl's men. Prime Team and another group of marines were to fly down to the surface in shuttles after Chang's crew. The remaining marines were to stay on board the Niven to help hold our position. Five marines were posted on the bridge to ensure ship safety. We coordinated everything so that our shields would only have to drop for a few moments while the shuttles passed through and the transporter beamed the marines over.
As soon as the shields dropped, however, two squads of Klingons beamed aboard our ship, presumably from the cloaked bird of prey. One appeared in main engineering and the other upon the bridge. Everything happened in a blur, but I remember Akoval and the marines shooting immediately, and I ran across to the engineering computer panel for cover, then taking a shot at the intruders as well. They retaliated with disruptor fire and Silon who was behind me on the science panel moments before, pulled me backwards so that I would not get hit. Maniersi spun around in his seat to take out a couple of the remaining Klingons. When the last remaining Klingon was hit, but not enough to render unconscious, I stepped forward and finished him off.
We took heavy casualties up to this point. 24 marines had died in combat aboard the Drovna, 5 on the bridge of the Niven, and 11 were injured. I sincerely hope Prime Team fares better and that they can put a stop to this incident.