That Bastard General Carver
It's the year 3057, and tensions within the Federated Commonwealth are high. United in 3028 by marriage of the reigning Regents, the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns became the Federated Commonwealth - the largest, strongest, and most advanced of the Inner Sphere empires. With aid of a recovered Star League memory core and the relative calm brought between the Inner Sphere houses due to the Clan invasion, the Federated Commonwealth is leading a grand renaissance of technology, industry, and infrastructure. Politically, though, the Federated Commonwealth is anything but sanguine. Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion has, it is whispered, been tied to the assassination of political rival and long time royal dissenter Duke Ryan Steiner. Victor already elevated to the throne in 3055 by the assassination of his mother, Melissa Steiner, many are questioning his political acumen after he resorted to blatant threats when the industrial powerhouse of House Marik raised the question of the territory seized by the Commonwealth in 3039. His sister, Katherine Steiner-Davion, is preferred by many as Archon-Princess. While Victor spends his days meeting with the FC military and consulting with industrial leaders, Katherine entertains herself with the traditional retinue of nobles, knights, and artists under patronage. The differences between them are not merely matters of clique or party. Since the Federated Commonwealth commandeered many of Comstar's interstellar communication outlets and broke the Comstar monopoly, for the first time an Inner Sphere royal House has the capability to develop into a true state rather than remain a feudal kingdom. The nobles, long having sworn their fealty in exchange for legitimacy and esteem, see a future where their influence wanes to unimaginable lows. Many nobles see their worst fears confirmed, as the fruits of the industrial and technological revolution fall first on the regular FC military, only occasionally granting new designs and updated equipment to their personal March Militias. Meanwhile, other houses and independent actors, those not fearing annihilation at the hand of the invading Clans, worry what such a superstate could mean for them, and some seek its enervation. The commoners of the Federated Commonwealth are divided in their loyalties as well, but for different reasons. The Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion is seen as aloof, and uninterested in the non-military, mundane matters of the realm which affect the day to day lives of common citizens. Many of the working and lower class see in Katherine Steiner-Davion a potential leader who could direct some of the military expenditures of the realm to domestic matters. But for those in the upper, non-titled classes, and the upwardly mobile, they see in Victor Steiner-Davion someone who may perhaps weaken the nobles, and in so doing, improve their own social position and their social, or even political, potential. You, along with many other Mechwarriors, infantry, vehicle crews and techs, have been recruited into the 20th Avalon Hussars, a FedCom Regimental Combat Team (RCT) recovering from a 2 year deployment on the Jade Falcon front. Having been issued both the newest 'Mechs and the freshest Mechwarriors in the realm, the battle-hardened veterans and new recruits have been assigned to the quiet backwater of the Kearney Combat Region. There, the RCT continues to recover, recuperate, test and train. It's far from the front, and far from the machinations of court politics. Even the passionate arguments and occasional fistfights in the mess halls and in the barracks are being muted by the soothing drear of military life at garrison. The only real combat that threatens the 20th Avalon Hussars in Kearney happens at liberty, usually in bars. While the occasional pirate raiders stumble into systems on occasion, that is hardly something to mobilize an Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC) RCT over. So for the first time in a long while, things are looking smooth for the men and women of the 20th.
BT: Reorganization
BT: Fortunes of War
BT: Liberty on Blue Star
The Characters
Sergeant Pete Bradshaw
Sergeant Nigel Council
Sergeant-Major Javier Mandelos
20th Avalon Hussars
3/3 Company
3/3/3 Lance
Hauptmann Joseph Jones, CO: 3/3 Company
Mr. Harold Che, 20th Avalon Hussars, Intelligence Officer
Kommandant Lucia Kang, 20th Avalon Hussars 'Mech Regiment, CO: 3rd Battalion
Count Rivirni
Sirai Rivirni
Leftenant Rajas Chakwas, 36th Federation Mechanized Infantry Brigade, CO: MP Company
Leftenant Chet Paisley, 3/3 Company, Corsair pilot