Magic-Tiger Eye

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The Deadlands system itself offers magic in the form of rituals for Shaman, hexes for Hucksters, and miracles for Priests. None of these are exactly what a Wizard would use, but with a little help from Savage Worlds and WHFRP a reasonable and fun approximation should be forthcoming.

What is Magic

In the world of Warhammer, magic is chaos energy that can be tapped by those with the specialized knowledge to do so, be it with potions, spells or rituals. Those who dabble with these forces risk incursion of chaos on their souls.

In Deadlands, magic is accomplished by convincing manitous to do their bidding by beating them in a game of infernal cards. Losing means the hex fails, while drawing a joker can be bad. Pretty dumb in some ways, yet close enough to Warhammer that the mechanics themselves are relatively easy to simulate.

Savage worlds has a power level they assign to spells, and it takes a hand of a particular strength to successfully cast it. When all three of these things are combined, stuff seems to work.

How Spells Are Cast

Apprentices and Hedge Wizards will need the Magical Attunement edge. This allows them to draw 3 cards on a success, +1 per raise. These are used to attempt to meet the difficulty requirement for the spell. A second edge, called Channeling, may be purchased once the character has reached Journeyman Wizard level. A character with Channeling draws 5 cards on a success, +1 per raise.


When a character fails a spell check the spell does not work properly and the action is wasted along with any expendable components. If a character goes bust on a spell check the action is wasted and all components are ruined or destroyed, plus the character gets one chaos point. Anytime the character draws a joker during casting they also receive a chaos point, the joker is considered wild.

Magical Careers

A character which embarks upon a magical career must meet certain skill prerequisites before they achieve status. Each career path has 4 core skills for each level, and those skills must meet the threshold before the Casting skill can be increased. In some cases new edges must also be purchased.


This is the number of skill points a character must have combined in all of the listed skills. All skills must have at least one point.

Hedge Wizard

Hedge wizards have no prerequisites. They are limited in their Casting to level 1.

Exits: Wizards Apprentice, Witch


There are multiple levels of wizard, with prerequisites, dues and other rites of passage required to move up in rank. Once the threshold is met, all edges are purchased and their master allows it a wizard may progress to the next level.

Prerequisites: Reading/Writing, d8 Smarts, d8 Spirit

Wizards Apprentice

This is the first level on the wizard path.

Casting limit: 2 or (Academic Knowledge: Magick)-1, whichever is lower.
Core skills: Academic Knowledge: Magick, Language: Classical, Language: Magick, Casting
Available Edges: Magical Attunement
Threshold: 9
Exit: Journeyman Wizard

Journeyman Wizard

This is the second level on the wizard path. Study is often self directed, but the guidance of a master is still welcome and necessary.

Casting Limit: 4
Core Skills: Academic Knowledge: Magick, Language: Magick, Academic Knowledge: Arcane Lore, Academic Knowledge: Dark Lore OR Rune Lore
Available Edges: Channeling, Magical Sense
Threshold: 15
Exit: Master Wizard

Master Wizard

This is the third level on the wizard path. At this stage the wizard no longer needs a master and may further any of their skills through personal research and study.

Casting Limit: 5
Core Skills: Academic Knowledge: Magick, Language: Magick, Academic Knowledge: Chaos, Academic Knowledge: Demonology or Necromancy
Available Edges: Membership
Threshold: 20
Exit: Wizard Lord

Wizard Lord

This is as wizardy as one is allowed to get. There are no limits here, and special stuff is between you and the GM.


Witches are magic users who learn their craft by trial and error combined with the mutterings of old wise men and women, rather than through study of old books. In some cultures they are revered as elders while others treat them as omens of evil.

Spell Lists

Lesser Magic
Dark Magic
The Lore of Beasts
The Lore of Death
The Lore of Fire
The Lore of the Heavens
The Lore of Life
The Lore of Light
The Lore of Metal
The Lore of Shadow

Rune Magic

Runesmith Careers