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[[Hazor Dyan|Dyan]]'s efforts in extracting the computer panel from Codus was thought to take a few hours so I had a chance to chat with [[Michael Pierson]]. He opened a conversation about how it was widely regarded that west coast raw oysters were better than east coast and asked if I would be interested in an oyster dinner with him. I told him that while I have had oysters before, I don't particularly care for them. They taste like just sea water! I don't quite get the appeal, though I've seen more than enough knowing glances exchanged about them so perhaps I am missing a common joke.
[[Hazor Dyan|Dyan]]'s efforts in extracting the computer panel from Codus was thought to take a few hours so I had a chance to chat with [[Michael Pierson]]. He opened a conversation about how it was widely regarded that west coast raw oysters were better than east coast and asked if I would be interested in an oyster dinner with him. I told him that while I have had oysters before, I don't particularly care for them. They taste like just sea water! I don't quite get the appeal, though I've seen more than enough knowing glances exchanged about them so perhaps I am missing a common joke.
Since I was intrigued by the invitation of conversation and because I had recently discovered our replicators had an updated formula for my favorite sweets, chocolate dipped strawberries, I recommended that we share those together and that they pair quite nicely with a glass of champagne. He gave me a small laugh and suggested dinner followed by dessert overlooking the northern California coastal sunset.
Since I was intrigued by the invitation of conversation and because I had recently discovered our replicators had an updated formula for my favorite sweets, chocolate dipped strawberries, I recommended that we share those together and that they pair quite nicely with a glass of champagne. He gave me a slight smile and suggested a meat and potatoes dinner followed by dessert overlooking the northern California coastal sunset.
I got a little embarrassed, realizing too late that my request may have been unintentionally forward, like I was setting the scene for a romantic evening. Michael didn't seem to notice, or at least wasn't put off by it, so I agreed and hastily shifted the subject over to how I hadn't ever been to northern California. Thankfully, Dyan communicated in at that moment saying he might have found something and it was back to business as usual.
I got a little embarrassed, realizing too late that my request may have been unintentionally forward, like I was setting the scene for a romantic evening. Michael didn't seem to notice, or at least wasn't put off by it, so I agreed and hastily shifted the subject over to how I hadn't ever been to northern California. Thankfully, Dyan communicated in at that moment saying he might have found something and it was back to business as usual.

Revision as of 07:47, 12 December 2010

Early Life


Layla Koyanagi was born on March 20, 2330. She grew up with both of her parents commissioned by Starfleet, and became very familiar with Starfleet principles, ideals, personnel, and systems from an early age. Her father was a stern, Japanese man dedicated to his career, and her mother was an exobiologist of British descent. She was an active figure skater from a very young age and continued to skate throughout her time at Starfleet Academy. She also enjoyed playing the violin.

Layla aspired to follow in her father's footsteps to become the chief medical officer aboard a starship. Because of this ambition, she performed very well academically, enough to skip 10th grade and graduate Hibiya High School in Tokyo, Japan in 2347 at the age of 17. However, while attending Starfleet Academy, she quickly realized that she had more of an aptitude for humanities and changed career paths.

She climbed the ranks at a moderately fast pace. Starfleet recognized her talent for negotiation and keeping a cool head even during stressful situations, thus deeming her as a perfect fit as the commanding officer aboard a ship within Military Operations Command. She was given command of the USS Niven in 2367.


2351Graduated from Starfleet Academy and stationed as an ensign aboard the USS Livingston as a historian
2353Promoted to lieutenant junior grade, stationed on Starbase 65 as a researcher
2356Promoted to lieutenant, assigned to the USS Lexington as the tactical officer
2359Promoted to lieutenant commander, stationed on Andor as part of a diplomatic mission
2363Promoted to commander, assigned to the USS Kyushu as its First Officer
2367Promoted to captain, given command of the USS Niven

Personal Logs

Personal Log, Stardate 40177.8

I have just returned from what was to be a "routine patrol" of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Prior to departure, I was informed of a classified intelligence gathering installation project of ours near their borders. Ironic, considering we discovered and captured a team of Romulans operating a similar installation close to our borders. I suppose we have similar ideas.

It gets frustrating sometimes working so far out in the middle of nowhere as it takes days to get any messages to and from Starfleet Command. I fear that one of these days I will issue an order, only to have it be the wrong decision after it is far too late and irreversible. My crew, however, make my job easier and much more enjoyable, thus making me not want to be anywhere else but aboard my dear USS Niven. As the old adage goes, "a ship is only as good as its crew", and that makes Niven the best ship in Starfleet.

Personal Log, Stardate 40323.6

Following the events on Theta Thekare, Octavio, Karl, and I were under investigation for charges of dereliction of duty, reckless endangerment, and conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet officer. Thankfully, none of us were court-martialed, but Karl was to retire immediately and Octavio was to be transferred to a starbase. Though it saddened me to lose two fine officers, I am certainly thankful about the outcome of the investigation.

What broke my heart, however, was that Karl was seriously injured before the investigation and had to undergo surgery. He seems to be out of the woods due to being in excellent physical shape, and is in and out of consciousness, but still is not permitted to have visitors. Meanwhile, I have been given my next assignment which requires me to leave starbase very soon. I deeply wish I could bid him a proper farewell, but a recorded message was the best I could do. I kept a record of it for my own sentimental reasons.


Dear Karl,

By the time you receive this, I have a feeling I will already be en route to my next mission's destination. You were attacked right before the investigation of our charges and though I sincerely wanted to stay to see you before I left, duty calls. I'm afraid this recorded message will have to do.

I have been apprised of the events that happened after the exfiltration of Theta Thekare. Though I do agree that some less than ideal choices were made, one mistake is absolutely not enough to cloud over the years of exemplary service you have given to Starfleet, to the Niven and her crew, and to me, personally.

Ever since I first took command of the ship, I knew I could always count on you. Your care and genuine concern for all personnel earned you their trust and mine. You always abided by orders with no complaints and went above and beyond the call of duty to help out your fellow crew.

Your presence will be deeply missed by everyone. Though we will be getting a new security chief, Karl Link will never be replaced. I'm sure Starfleet will send us a perfectly capable officer, but I will personally make sure that the he works with everyone, especially the security team, the marines, and Prime Team Alpha, as well as you did.

I hope to see you again some time, so until then, cheers, old friend. It has been a pleasure serving with you. Enjoy your retirement; you have certainly earned it.

Yours faithfully,
Layla Koyanagi


Personal Log, Stardate 40327.4

I was told by both Michael Standown and Matthew O'Grady that I was lucky to be alive from the riots on Theta Thekare. Evidently I was a hair's breadth away from dying. I already knew I had a compassionate crew, but I will never forget the looks on my crew's faces when I awoke after surgery. I don't ever want to put them in that kind of position again and know that now more than ever, I will do everything I can to do right by them. However, the adventurer in me, the main reason why I entered Starfleet in the first place, can't let me sit back in my chair and let my officers do all of the away missions, only experiencing missions through their reports so I knew it would be a lie if I said that I would never put myself in danger again. Because of this, I thought it might be best to try to get in better physical condition so that I may be able to withstand a few encounters.

During our travel through Stevens Nebula and getting to The Triangle, I have spent a considerable amount of my time off duty in the holodeck going through various exercise programs. Although even the novice level training program my marines use was far too difficult for me, I have noticed an improvement on my health and stamina. Yesterday I dug out my ice skates from my Academy days and cued up one of my favorite recreational holodeck programs, the ice rink at Rockerfeller Center at night. Though it had been some time since I last skated, after the initial wobbly rounds, I found everything came back fluidly and it was easier than I remembered due to my recent training.

Personal Log, Stardate 40344.7

Dyan's efforts in extracting the computer panel from Codus was thought to take a few hours so I had a chance to chat with Michael Pierson. He opened a conversation about how it was widely regarded that west coast raw oysters were better than east coast and asked if I would be interested in an oyster dinner with him. I told him that while I have had oysters before, I don't particularly care for them. They taste like just sea water! I don't quite get the appeal, though I've seen more than enough knowing glances exchanged about them so perhaps I am missing a common joke.

Since I was intrigued by the invitation of conversation and because I had recently discovered our replicators had an updated formula for my favorite sweets, chocolate dipped strawberries, I recommended that we share those together and that they pair quite nicely with a glass of champagne. He gave me a slight smile and suggested a meat and potatoes dinner followed by dessert overlooking the northern California coastal sunset.

I got a little embarrassed, realizing too late that my request may have been unintentionally forward, like I was setting the scene for a romantic evening. Michael didn't seem to notice, or at least wasn't put off by it, so I agreed and hastily shifted the subject over to how I hadn't ever been to northern California. Thankfully, Dyan communicated in at that moment saying he might have found something and it was back to business as usual.

Personal Log, Stardate 40344.9

I had to have a talk about unsatisfactory performance with one of my senior officers today. It was difficult because in all aspects of his work, he is exemplary. However, there was a case of overstepping boundaries that undermined my authority in front of the crew and civilians. Given that we are a military operation, order in the strictest sense is absolutely necessary, especially now that we are in an extremely volatile area of space.

What I don't think he knew was that it was not purely an escalated argument; some was for show and I knew the other party had empty claims. I know that my officer was just trying to calm the situation down, and truly had good intentions. I made it clear that these were my decisions to make and to certainly never risk the lives of any of my crew. I told him that though I was giving him a verbal reprimand, I was not going to note it in his record. I hope he understands and continues to perform admirably.

Captain's Logs

Stardate 40177.1
Stardate 40191.2
Stardate 40205.1
Stardate 40233.2
Stardate 40XXX.3
Stardate 40260.7
Stardate 40323.7
Stardate 40330.7
Stardate 40337.8
Stardate 40344.7