XCOM: Gray Dawn

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XCOM: Gray Dawn is a new experimental alien invasion game testing some variants of the Cyberpunk 2020 system.


A meteor shower approaches Earth out of the blue. Astronomers believe it must be a long-period orbital cloud that has not been seen in hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. Amateur sky-watchers prepare for a surprise mid-winter light show, and no one is much alarmed.

The first meteors strike, and a significant portion of London is destroyed. As the Earth rotates, the stream of meteors continues to pepper our planet's surface, sweeping from one time zone to the next. The East coast of America is hit a few hours later. Within a day, no corner of the world is left untouched.

Unbeknownst to the people of Earth, this meteor shower is not a natural phenomena. It is an alien planetary assault program unleashed in pursuit of The Mercenary that landed undetected on our planet a few days before. In his possession is the superweapon stolen from his enemies that could be their undoing. They will stop at nothing to get it back.

The Mercenary's plan, which has slowly been unfolding across the galaxy for hundreds of our years, did not take into account one important variable: Humanity. He did not--could not--know Earth was populated before he embarked on the long, slow voyage to our world across three-quarters the span of our galaxy. When he absconded with the weapon nearly a century ago, the people of Earth had just barely made it into the skies with airplanes; radio waves that could be detected by alien long-range probes would not come for many years.

Earth is The Mercenary's hot landing zone, and he realizes that he has placed this innocent civilization in great peril. He knows that his enemies would gladly destroy humanity in pursuit of him, but even worse, they would enslave us first. We are just the sort of specimen they are looking for.

The alien Collective is not the only threat, though. The Mercenary sent advance scouts to Earth several decades ago to establish bases and gather resources that would allow him to use Earth as the launch-point of his counterattack. Those bases were never built, that part of his plan failed. Certain factions have not been so ignorant of the existence of extraterrestrial life, and those ripples of influence in the shadows have created even more Byzantine agencies to hide among them.

A group of civilians find The Mercenary's hiding place on Earth, and with The Mercenary's help, they become the heart of the resistance against the Collective. X-Com: Gray Dawn is the story of this group of resistance fighters.

Game Mechanics

In X-Com: Gray Dawn we will use the Cyberpunk 2020 game system with a few modifications. For further details, check out the X-Com: Gray Dawn Player Handout.

There are no classes or "special abilities." There are no solos, no fixers or medtechs, etc. One's "class" will largely be determined by their chosen skills. Additionally, there is a list of perks to help further customize each character.

Some modifications to the combat system are made to honor the "spirit" of the original PC game so many grew to know and love, with certain nods given in recognition of the more recent reboot. Major features include: a tactical cover system to encourage combatants to play it safe; mechanics for suppression to reflect that getting shot at will rattle a combatant in ways other than just getting hit and doing damage; an alternate damage system that allows for heroic (or lucky) survival in the face of overwhelming punishment and lastly, a more "tactical" feel to the move and action system.

Dramatis Personae

(Listed alphabetically)

Alonzo Jerome "AJ" Kamastafall...played by Jason

Brock Jankins...played by Scott

Douglas "Doug" Wilson...played by Dieter

Fayth Wilson...played by Rumi

Marie Curie "Curry" Kjelstad...played by Anna

Supporting Cast

The Elma Resistance Cell
1st Lieutenant Marshall Spiers
Master Sergeant Feargus Carville
Captain John Newton
Peter Kjelstad
Lillian Kjelstad
Officer Cristelli
Chief Danforth
Mayor Osgood
Jules Saint
Dave Monroe
Ernie the Pharmacist
Professor Jenkins
Professor Marlowe
Daniel Pershing
Abigail Blythe
General MacArthur Nils
Naomi Agincourt
Trevor Kamastafall
Vladimir Gurov
Bob the UH-60 Pilot
Governor Jay Inslee, deceased...?
75th Rangers, 2nd Battalion Alpha (Rifle) Company, 1st Platoon
The Eggheads of the Elma Resistance

Alien Technology

This is a running list of technologies the human resistance has researched, captured or has interacted with (in a position of some control or understanding).

Excavator Probe
Lizardman Detector
Repulsor Drive
Alien Weapon "Green Gun A"
Alien Weapon "Green Gun B"
Alien Weapon "Needler"
Alien Weapon "Stun Bomb"
Alien Weapon "Stunner"
Alien Weapon "Ray Gun"
Mitigation Screen
Ablation Screen
Scout Drone
Assault Drone
Construction Drone
Electroreactive Myomer Fiber
Alien "Alloy"
Conversion Reactor
Alien fabric
Power Armor

Available Manufacture Projects

When a project has been thoroughly researched, it may become available for manufacture. This may also be dependent on resources, facilities and personnel available.

Lizardman Detector

Available Research Projects

This is a list of some technologies available for research. Some devices encountered cannot be researched because prerequisite technologies are not yet understood (e.g., some weapons research may require a greater understanding of exotic power systems or interface devices.)

Conversion Reactor
Alien fabric
Scout Drone
Assault Drone
Construction Drone
Electroreactive Myomer Fiber
Alien Alloy
Alien machine interface
Gray autopsy
Behemoth autopsy

Alien Species and Factions

The Collective

"The Collective" is the name given to a militaristic, expansionist starfaring "government." The name was bestowed on them by Draco, the Mercenary. Reportedly, the Collective is made up of many varied species. Most of these have been somehow enslaved by one or more "master" or "core" species that form the intellectual nexus of the Collective.

The Collective is said to be a "hive mind," though how this relates to their psychology or actions remains to be seen.

The following are known member species within the Collective:

The Mercenary


Project Covenant

The Red Hand

Vladimir Gurov

The Pershing Clan


The Washington State Patrol


Arsenal of the Elma Resistance

The following is a working list of resources gathered by and/or available to the Elma Resistance. This does not include personal gear owned or in the specific possession of the players or NPCs.

Miscellaneous Gear

Current Projects

This is a good place for the players to chime in and make notes of any particular projects or plans their characters might be working on, you know, in case the Ref loses the scrap of paper you wrote that secret note on three game sessions ago.

Research Projects:
Manufacturing Projects
Building/Facilities Projects
Public Relations Projects
Infrastructure Projects
Personal Projects
Miscellaneous Projects


Starting with our second game session, I began reciting to all the players a quick recap of the events of the previous game, told in the style of a serial radio program. I started off doing this because in my recent gaming experiences (as a player), it was too easy to forget what the hell was going on without a bit of a reminder, especially when a couple weeks or more had passed since we met last (I greatly appreciate the fact that our current group meets with such regularity, and I hope the trend can continue!) I haven't heard any complaints about eating up a few of the players' minutes at the beginning of each session while I talk at them, so I will probably continue until they tell me to shut up.

There is also the added advantage that this kind of prop/supplement for the players also gives me/us a relatively detailed written record of the PCs adventures.

Episode 1:Before the Gray: Dawn Cometh From Above
Episode 2:The Dawn Breaks
Episode 3:To Gray or Not to Gray
Episode 4:Gray New World
Episode 5:Operation Torchlight
Episode 6:Volare!
Episode 7:Shades of Gray
Episode 8:Gray Matters
Episode 9:Uneasy Alliances

Project Covenant After Action Reports

Operation Torchlight